4 Important Things to Consider if Your Partner Hasn’t Proposed Yet

Have you been dating for a while, and you’re wondering if you’ll get married next year? Maybe it’s time to get the conversation started! We’ve got four things to think about if your partner hasn’t proposed yet. From answering questions to alleviating fears, here’s what you need to know to get the process going.

4 Important Things to Consider if Your Partner Hasn't Proposed Yet

Are you always the bridesmaid and never the bride? Maybe you find yourself waiting, hoping, and praying that your partner is going to ask that all-important question. Do you feel like it should be your turn?

If you have answered yes to those questions then perhaps now is the time to take that next step with your partner. Make 2022 the year you get wed! But how do you go about doing that? It’s easier than you may think to get engaged.

Here are a few ideas on how you can move things along. Take the next step in your relationship with our advice on what to do when your partner hasn’t proposed yet.

Couple Engagement Ring Halo

1. If finances are keeping you from getting married, make a financial plan.

Let’s be honest here, weddings cost money. We have all heard the saying that marriage is a simple affair. However, a wedding is a totally different thing altogether. The truth be known, it can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose for it to be.

But the financial side of things can be a huge factor to put anyone off asking the question, so why not make a plan yourself? You could simply start putting money aside for it. Another option is to sacrifice a few of your luxuries to put the money towards a wedding.

Showing initiative and having a clear financial plan in place could be the way you get your partner to finally pop the question.

Couple Talking About Paying for Wedding

2. If your partner never talks about marriage, be the one to bring it up.

Set the wheels in motion by simply bringing it up in conversation. Talk about friends getting married, discuss your future and where you hope to see yourself in five or ten years’ time.

Even be blunt and ask about how they feel about weddings and marriage in general. This is an important conversation to have. You need to be clear you both want the same things in life and for the future.

Being on the same page about getting married is critical, so broach the topic if your partner hasn’t proposed yet.

Couple Taking About Getting Married

3. If your partner is worried about the wedding planning process, make decisions yourself.

Some people can’t think of anything more boring than planning a wedding. If this sounds like your partner, take all the burden away.

Start planning your special day in advance. Additionally, make decisions on s major factors like the season you want to wed or the size of the guest list. Showing initiative and ownership could be what seals the deal for a partner who hasn’t proposed yet.

Conversely, if you are the one who isn’t keen on planning, tell your partner. Let them take the lead, or pass the reigns along to a full-service planner.

Couple Planning Their Wedding

4. If you are tired of waiting on a partner who hasn’t proposed yet, do the asking.

Sometimes partners just can’t take a hint or they’re afraid to ask. You may have stopped at every jewelry shop to browse those beautiful rings.

Perhaps you’ve looked longingly into your partner’s eyes every time a wedding invite landed on your doorstep. However, everything has been to no avail.

So if you are sick of waiting on a partner who hasn’t proposed yet, take matters into your own hands. If you’re sure this is the real deal, then take matters into your own hands. Therefore, pop the question yourself!

One great advantage of this is actually choosing your own ring. You could even build your own engagement ring if you wanted. How unique would that be?

What to Do When Your Partner Hasn't Proposed

Save our tips on a partner who hasn’t proposed!

Of course, you can gauge your partner best, and frank conversations can help. It’s important to make sure that you are on the same page as some folks don’t want to get married. Try to figure out the disconnect and consult our four points to take the next steps towards getting engaged.

What to Do When Your Partner Hasn't Proposed Yet

Photos: Anna Pou, Emily Finch, Mikhail Nilov, Kiera Burton, Mart Production, Frank McKenna, Asdrubal Luna

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(434) 851-2224 | jennifer@hillcitybride.com

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